
Home » The Mind – Body – Soul Complex: Enteric Consciousness & The Solar Plexus

The Mind – Body – Soul Complex: Enteric Consciousness & The Solar Plexus

By Christopher Dakiades

“Enteric” consciousness is that level of awareness that is largely stimulated by the solar plexus area in the human body. This area has traditionally been associated with “gut feeling” and recent science has shown that it is indeed based on very real phenomena. While it has been found that there are neurosynapses here just like in the human brain (30 neurotransmitters), there is a large amount of the chemical serotonin produced here as well. About 95% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the bowels. But what is collected or gathered here to produce visceral impressions is not linear, but somehow associative, impressionistic phenomena that often would be what we would label “highly emotional” imagery.

Historically and culturally around the world the solar plexus has been associated with intuition and insight, being able to discern when there is danger or when something is not quite right, the ability to sense when there is truth or falsity. In Japanese medical tradition, the point that is two fingers width below the belly button (umbilicus) and about two inches in from the skin’s surface is called the “Hara” point, the center of Qi energy and the center of gravity for the human being. It is a major acupuncture point and is also highly important in martial arts traditions. However, in some traditions, such as yoga, the Hara point is located just below the belly button or even directly behind the umbilicus, and two inches deep from the surface of the skin.

Some laboratory research indicates that a human body will receive approximately 11 million bits of information per second, but will only be able to consciously perceive or process at any given moment about 40 bits of information. Non-linear imagery, often non-rational impressions are challenged to be given cohesivity, but are frequently disqualified because they necessarily do not fit in to a structured form of reason, often associated with the brain exclusively. But what appears to be simply an impression may actually be the product of a highly sophisticated network of a mind-body-soul complex.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller calls it the “Larger Brain” (2010), a separate but symbiotic part of a more complete mind-body-soul complex. The heart is also a part of this complex as well as the brain which now takes third place in order of dominance. The heart is more of a control center and is the most important part of this complex, having an empathetic and sapient end goal in the formation of conclusions.

The relationship to time is that, for humans, time must be perceived in order to exist. Hence, the mind-body-complex enables one to perceive time by allowing a sustained stream of thought and sensation, the perception of movement. As time has been proposed to be non-linear but simultaneous, this sustained stream takes on a new meaning: thought and sensation follow sequential patterns where one follows from another to create an image of reality. So, we can conclude that our enteric consciousness contributes to a more full bodied definition of mind and allows us to perceive visceral three dimensional reality more holistically. In fact, “holographically” would be more accurate.

Dr. Miller writes, “The organization of any biological system is established by a complex electrodynamic field which is, in part, determined by its atomic physiochemical components and which, in part, determines the behavior and orientation of these components. The holographic model of reality emerging from this principle may provide a scientific explanation of psychoenergetic phenomena.”

The pattern or organization of any biological system is established by a complex electrodynamic field, which is in part determined by its atomic physiochemical components and which in part determines the behavior and orientation of those components. This field is electrical in the physical sense, and by its properties it relates the entities of the biological system in a characteristic pattern and is itself in part a result of the existence of those entities. It determines and is determined by the components. More than establishing pattern it must maintain pattern in the midst of physiochemical flux; therefore it must regulate and control living things. It must be the mechanism, the outcome of whose activity is wholeness, organization and continuity. The electrodynamic field then, is comparable to the entelechy of Driesh, the embryonic field of Spehmann, and the biological field of Weiss.
Burr and Northrop

“I know that this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us – everything that exists – proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact.” – Thomas Edison

A Circumpunct Universe

by Justin Deschamps

How do we know that the universe has laws? Because everywhere we see organization, we see patterns.

How do we know that the universe is based on consciousness? Because before there can be a manifested result, there must be a mind or consciousness to envision it. Before there can be an object there must be an observer. And therefore, before there was a creation there was a mind to imagine it.

How do we know that free will exists? Because in a universe founded on free will, rules or law provide a way for each individual to express themselves fully. The fact that novelty or uniqueness exists everywhere, that the universe is a diverse unity, is proof that free will reaches it’s highest expression through recognition of, and harmonization with, divine law.

When one chooses to honor and acknowledge the rules of the universe, they are empowered to express themselves fully, they become fractal representations of the universe. This is what is described as sovereignty status in law, one who has gained self-knowledge and as a result gained self-mastery. Once this state of consciousness has been developed, one ceases to feel oppressed by the rules of the universe, and now finds freedom in them. Hence, all true law and morality will lead to ever expanding states of liberation.

The aforementioned points allow one to conclude that the universe is founded on consciousness and organized by rules. For if free will is the first cause of causes, then one of the first choices of the creator of all things must have been to create a set of rules for creation itself. These rules we know of as Natural or Spiritual Laws, which form the basis of existence at all levels.

Within existence, all things have rules. The fact that we experience space and time through dimension suggests that awareness and consciousness are bound by cosmic law. An observer becomes aware of objects via a definite and unwavering process. What is observed may change, yet how a thing is observed remains constant, bound by rules.

The only place we know of where one can observe something that does not have material form is in the mind. This is describing the relationship of the dreamer to the dream. And this is also the relationship of the infinite to the finite, a fractal relationship.

The creator is infinite or absolute, a singularity of consciousness; therefore, the creation is an infinite series of finite co-ordinations or motion or evolution. Within each living thing is a universe of smaller living things, a universe of finite embodiments of consciousness.

What we are discussing here are the proofs of existence and the realities of divinity. That a creator does, in fact, exist and can be verified using reason and logic. No one can prove this to another, but with careful consideration, meditation and contemplation, one can come to understand and actually know with scientific precision that their consciousness exists, and by extension that the creator exists.

One of these proofs is that the universe is fractal in nature and expressed in relationships we can observe as the golden mean ratio. The infiniteness of the creator is expressed in the creation as coordinate relationships of this ratio, also known as the phi ratio or the Fibonacci sequence. In other words, the fact that we can see fractal relationships everywhere, without fail, is proof that the creator exists, and the creation is a dream organized by rules within the mind of the creator.

Related The Sine Wave And MandelBrot Fractal Alignments of Sacred Sites

Related Science Of Ascension, Evolution and much more | Fractality: What Makes a LIVE ENZYME – Alive? with Dan Winter

The Ucadia foundation describes these as the 7 Proofs of Divine Existence, which provide the logical basis to understand the fractal infinity of a universe of consciousness.

[Begin Excerpt]

7 Proofs of Divine Existence (link)

The 7 Proofs of Divine Existence are seven empirical and logical proofs as to the existence of the Divine Creator.

#1 Proof of General Existence – states that the mere existence of an idea is sufficient to validate itself, regardless of whether it is considered true or false to other ideas. Only ideas that cannot be named, nor described may be said to have no existence. Thus the Divine Creator may be proven to have General Existence.

#2 Proof of Material Existence – states that existence of the Universe depends upon both rules and matter. Neither matter without rules or rules without matter can exist in Universal reality. The only answer is that rules can exist on their own “in theory”. The only example of a system whereby rules exist “in theory” and then rules and matter exist “in reality” is the relation between a Dreamer and a Dream. Therefore, the Divine Creator may be said to be the Divine Dreamer and the Dream and thus the Divine Creator is proven to have Material Existence.

#3 Proof of Absolute Existence – states that the argument of existence itself depends on at least an Observer and the Object observed to hold true. Therefore, for the Objective Universe to exist, there must be a Universal Observer. This paradox is answered through the Divine Creator as the absolute Dreamer and the Universe as the absolute Dream and thus the Divine Creator is proven to have Absolute Existence.

#4 Proof of Standard Model – states that the existence of a Standard Model of Everything whereby all universal laws, levels of matter, properties and values based on simple fundamental laws repeated at each level of matter may be defined without contradiction to itself and all key scientific measurement would be an unprecedented historic and scientific achievement of immense global implications. Furthermore, if such a Standard Model were to base its first law on the existence of the Divine Creatorand that the whole Standard Model could not hold without this law, then such a Standard Model itself would be overwhelming proof of the existence of the Divine Creator unless a model of greater design, perfection and completeness was able to refute such a fundamental assertion. As the seven (7) UCA patents and the UCADIA model prove the existence of this Standard Model, the Divine Creator is conclusively and scientifically proven to exist.

#5 Proof of Dimension – states that dimension is the canvas upon which all material existence depends and that almost every conscious being experiences the creation of dimension first hand through theirmind whenever they think or dream. All dimension is non-locational in that it has no material existence and dimension can only be created by conscious observable thought. Therefore the existence of Dimension is proof of the existence of the Universal Dream Dimension of the Divine Dreamer and thusproof of the existence of the Divine Creator.

#6 Proof of Reason – states that by reason we may suppose all around us to be false and even suppose to doubt our own existence, except one immutable fact – the thought itself, even of doubt is itself proof of our existence. Hence, cognito ergo sum or “I think therefore I am”. Thus, through reason, the very thought of the divine is itself therefore proof by reason of existence of divine conceptually.

#7 Proof of Experience – states that regardless of the attempts by some to cast doubt, exclamation and possible scorn on first hand experience, by virtue of the existence of our own faculties of cognition and reasoning, our first hand experiences of dreams, visions and events beyond the normal (supernatural) are legitimate and reasonable prima facie experiences and proof as to the existence of the divine. – (Source)

[End of Excerpt] Source:

Given these logical arguments, the realities of spiritual existence cannot be refuted.

To be sure one can deny them, but to properly prove that the aforementioned proofs are not valid, one must provide a superior logical argument. In other words, simply saying the words “these are not true” does not make it so.

At present, no refutation has ever been produced. These 7 Proofs have withstood the test of time for eons. Even the modern day advents of nihilism, materialism and scientism have not attempted to disprove them, because they cannot be disproven, only ignored. 

Spirit is a term referring to essence, something that is quintessential, something that marks or defines a thing beyond the sum of its parts. If there was ever something quintessential about the universe as a whole, it would be its fractal nature.

This is symbolically described as the Circumpunct, an ancient symbol which represents the universe as a whole, specifically with respect to its ever emerging, evolving, and blossoming nature. By this I mean, the universe is becoming at all times, growing into ever increasing states of organization, expression, and emergence.

Related All Solar System Periods Fit The Fibonacci Series And The Golden Ratio | Why The Phi?

Related Phi or Golden Mean Ratio | 15 Plants That Teach Us Sacred Geometry At Its Finest

Image Source. Slide 12 from PKFTA presentation entitled:
Entrainment, Communication, Information and Evolution

The following articles detail this all encompassing aspect of fractals in the universe. The examples provided are material or physical, but the principle of fractality or self-similarity extends into the metaphysical realms as well. Our minds are fractal holograms in nature, able to absorb data holistically and recall information in a similar fashion.

Related Exploring the Fractal Mind and Fractal Consciousness

When humanity finally realizes this simple truth, it will make more advances in one generation than all the previous combined.

Tesla knew of this as the relationship between 3, 6 and 9, which is described in modern times as Vortex Mathematics.

Related The Power of 3 6 9 | Tesla’s Re-Discovery – Vortex Mathematics, Zero Point Energy, Life Patterns and more

Take a moment to consider the fractal, holographic or holistic nature of life because it is something we make contact with every day, but almost never recognize. Like the fish that swims in water, we feel it and breathe in the holistic nature of existence, but only through opening our minds fully can we comprehend the truth importance of our fractal nature.

For more on these deep and all encompassing truths, see the following.

Related The Kybalion – The Ultimate Hermetic Introduction (Complete pdf)

Related The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean – Full Text Pdf

– Justin
The preceding article is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.