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Karma, Free Will & Astrology

By Christopher Dakiades

“Free will is a golden thread running through the frozen matrix of fixed events.” – Robert Heinlein

There are five things that immediately come to mind when deliberating on free will:

1. We are living under a band of forgetfulness.

2. We have a low ceiling of awareness.

3. We are and have been traumatized by our ignorance.

4. Every decision we make is a choice against something as much as it is for something else.

5. Soul agreements are a part of our experience. This implies that some actions will not receive karma but are simply a “repaying” of past karma. How much of our experience is a soul agreement?

The phrase, “living under a band of forgetfulness” proposes that we have entered into incarnation and have forgotten who we are and from where we have come. An evolutionary plan that relies upon this would submit that this is necessary in order to keep us focused on a specific goal or specific goals, ostensibly to reconnect us to our true Divine selves. But it also suggests that we will probably repeat past mistakes out of ignorance unless we embrace the potentials of the moment. This leaves us open for failure in not remembering. One might propose that the only way to grow in truth and moral character is when our failings are challenged.

There is much that can be implied here. Surely “awareness” of such mistakes would be a preferred course of evolution. And is the continual repeating of those mistakes bringing us more karma? Keeping us trapped? Or attempting to awaken us from a long slumber?

All humans have a low ceiling of awareness. We have lost touch with our Divine origins, our connection to Source / Creator, and our true spiritual and intellectual make-up. Perhaps this is by design, perhaps not.

Our awareness is limited to three dimensions and occasional glimpses of the fourth dimension through our dreams and meditations. We have an ongoing inability to link the waking world with the dream world. We have varying levels of intelligence. Many of us are categorized as, “special needs.” Indeed, a large portion of the World’s population would fall under this category. We continue to live in ignorance for the remainder of our lives…until the very end.

By extension, our own children are under our protection and supervision until the legal age of 18. But we know that the prefrontal cortex does not finish developing until about the age of 25. Full adulthood, psychologists now say, occurs at around the age of 30. Cosmobiologists who have studied the Saturn Return at around age 29.5 have known this for some time.

And yet we can choose to continue to believe that we accrue Karma for our choices, good and bad. Our definition of karma must then, by necessity, be revised on a continuing basis as we grow and evolve.

Free will is under the jurisdiction of our level of awareness. None of us can say with certainty that we have completely fulfilled the Socratic maxim of “Know thyself.” Indeed, we live in a World that is, again, perhaps by design, one that necessarily catalyzes change and growth. A World that is, imperatively, a large schoolhouse.

At what point can we make a competent decision? When do we cross the threshold of being accountable for our actions?

We continually pay the price for our ignorance. Why? Where is the free will? The free will exists in our choice to remain active, reactive or non-active.

This includes the traumas that we clearly co-create. Trauma begins with the suppression of our existential crisis of unknowing. Trauma continues in our interactions with others that invariably develop into micro-dramas from our ignorance. There is a continual loss of dignity and personal power and a regular quest to regain that dignity and power.

We are told “one cannot be a victim unless one continues to believe so.” And often the victimizer, as psychopathic as their actions clearly are, is completely unaware of what they have done. Many blame external factors and other people, turning themselves into the victim. In almost every case, a trauma is seen as the result of taking a necessary action in the face of a threat that initially developed out of fear. Or being passive to the threat and doing very little to stop it. The circularity of such a realization can be bewildering.

Soul agreements contribute to such circularity in that there is no way to determine why or how our suffering and trauma continue to occur. Or what lessons need to be learned, unless we are later given perspective. Post traumatic stress can invariably build up until then.

A cosmobiological chart, or astrology chart, is a blueprint for a life’s events, as is our own DNA. It is indeed a ‘frozen matrix” as Robert Heinlein says in the quote above. Many of our life’s decisions are strongly influenced by our cosmobiological make-up and our DNA. But our free will is indeed limited by our self awareness.

If we are indeed Divine beings, and I believe that we are, then we have other intuitive and metaphysical faculties that we must learn to use.

I hereby use my free will to forgive myself and others for decisions and actions based on ignorance.

“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” – Jesus

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